Milliman risk technology
The world grows more unpredictable and interconnected every day. See what’s around the corner and respond before risk becomes reality using Milliman’s advanced applications for risk modeling and management.
Take charge of change with intelligent technology
More information. More connections. More disruptions coming every day. Running a successful business has gotten a lot more challenging. Get expertise on your side, embedded in smart solutions that adapt to your needs. Whether you want to improve capital efficiency, comply with regulatory requirements, or guard against cyber risk, Milliman has the technology and data to help.
Advanced technology from the risk experts
Get a comprehensive view of risk
Choose the right path with in-depth visibility into complex risks and the powerful analytical tools to make sense of them. We look beyond the expected to capture cascading impacts and hidden correlations that give you better predictive power.
Know what to do next
Simplify decision making with intuitive tools designed to help you take action—making comprehensive data and cutting-edge models accessible and useful.
Solve your unique challenges
Choose from a wide range of technology solutions built on real-world experience with businesses across verticals and geographies. Our innovation process begins by recognizing and solving our clients’ challenges in the field, and then scaling those solutions to meet broader needs.
Be prepared for anything
Lead the way toward effective mitigation of the biggest risks our world faces, including climate resilience, aging populations, market volatility, and population health. Understand how interrelationships among financial and non-financial risks affect your future and build sound strategies based on your vision and goals.
Milliman risk products
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- Risk Assessment/ERM
- Strategy
Analysieren Sie die Haftung für unbezahlte Verbindlichkeiten durch Schäden mit branchenführenden stochastischen und deterministischen Rückstellungstools und -methoden.
Milliman Bungalow is a private flood insurance plan that includes advisory loss costs, risk classification rating factors, and rating rules.
Detect patterns in attorney billing practices using powerful algorithms, helping manage costs and improve claims defense.
Automatisieren und beschleunigen Sie finanzmathematische Modellierungs- und Berichterstattungsfeatures mit einer leistungsstarken Cloud-Lösung.
Intelliscript verbindet branchenführende Daten und Analysemethoden, um Versicherungsunternehmen das Wissen, die Tools und die Einblicke an die Hand zu geben, die sie brauchen, um Risiken souverän zu beurteilen.
Milliman AccuRate Fleet
AccuRate Fleet™ is a usage-based insurance score designed to enable more accurate pricing of fleet exposure and driving behavior risk.
Milliman Complex Risk Analysis (CRisALIS)
Milliman CRisALIS is a next-generation cyber risk solution that incorporates a forward-looking approach to modeling how cyber risks occur and propagate.
Milliman MIND
Milliman Mind ist eine flexible, bedienerfreundliche webbasierte Plattform, die Excel-Tabellen automatisch in leistungsfähigere Modelle umwandelt.
Milliman M-PIRe
A comprehensive platform to evaluate mortgage investment opportunities, trends in the market, and portfolio aggregation.
Reduzieren Sie den Zeitaufwand für die Berechnung von Rückstellungen und Verbindlichkeiten bei Lebensversicherungen mit innovativer Modellierung.
Analyze a wide range of claims data to identify those likely to incur high costs, helping optimize management and reduce costs.
Milliman PinPoint liefert über eine einfache API relevante geografische Bewertungsinformationen zu Ihrem System zum Zeitpunkt der Entscheidung.
Identifizieren Sie neue Marktsektoren, lokalisieren Sie adverse Selektion und treffen Sie bessere Preisentscheidungen mit einem hochwertigen, webbasierten Vergleichstool.
Vergleichen Sie Branchenerfahrungen grafisch mit Ihren eigenen und treffen Sie intelligente Entscheidungen auf Grundlage der Faktoren, die das Verhalten von Versicherungsnehmern beeinflussen.
Beurteilen Sie die Volatilität in Rentenversicherungsplänen, Sofortrenten und Anwartschaftsrenten mit Langlebigkeitsgarantien.
Optimieren Sie ihre Solvency II Compliance mit einem Multi-User und Multi-Standort Tool zur Standardformel SCR Berechnung und quantitativen Berichterstattung via QRTs.
Let’s build the future together
Collaboration is critical to solving the most pressing challenges in today’s complex and ever-changing insurance marketplace. Milliman teams with organizations of all sizes and levels of maturity to develop great ideas, go to market effectively, and deliver new functionality through existing products and services. Explore our programs and contact us to learn more.