Financial Wellness
Support healthy financial outcomes

Healthy Financial Outcomes

Lifetime Income Solutions

Emergency savings accounts

Student Loan Certification

RISE Score (Retirement Income Security Evaluation)

Managed accounts
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InvestMap custom asset allocation model
Milliman Financial Wellness products
Retirement benefits administration platform
Retirement asset allocation
Financial Wellness resources
SecureSave Insight Report 2022: Emergency Savings at Work
In this insight report, we share results from our annual Market Research survey around emergency savings stress and the growing demand for a workplace solution.
SecureSave Emergency Savings Program
SecureSave is an app that uses automation and behavioral science to help employees build a fund for emergencies.
Workplace Research
Morningstar Research: How Managed Accounts Can Help Employees Save and Invest for Retirement
This study explores the impact of managed accounts on savings and investing behaviors by observing 60,825 defined-contribution participants who used Morningstar Managements managed accounts platform.
Research Report
Morningstar Research: The Impact of Default Investment Decision on Participant Deferral Rates
Target-date funds have been a boon to plan sponsors because they can be simple, relatively cost-effective options to help employees save for retirement.