Growing LTC costs create strain for payers trying to manage these risks

Analyze unique data for intelligent insight

Pair relevant data with industry-leading models

Rely on a century of accumulated LTCI expertise
Illuminate your long-term care risk
How can Milliman Long-term care Advanced Risk Analytics help?
The Milliman Long-term care Advanced Risk Analytics® (Milliman LARA®) preclaim risk model was developed using predictive analytics and can be used to assist LTC carriers in stratifying their population to proactively manage the health and claim activity of their members.

Using Milliman LARA to enable Long-term care aging–in-place
How can carriers and wellness vendors get the insights they need to tailor outreach approaches for different groups?

Superior predictive performance of Milliman LARA models
Milliman LARA is a proprietary suite of predictive modeling solutions that help long-term care (LTC) carriers understand and manage individual LTC risk with risk scores and drivers, bringing insights through industry-leading data and models.

The case for long-term care aging-in-place initiatives
Aging-in-place interventions can be an effective method to improve health outcomes, reduce severity of future claims, and reduce overall long-term care claim costs.

Long-term care wellness initiatives: A simulated pilot program
Pre-claim interventions can be an effective method to improve health outcomes, reduce severity of future claims, and reduce overall long-term care claim costs.

Milliman LTC Advanced Risk Analytics (Milliman LARA)
Understand and manage individual long-term care (LTC) risk with risk scores and drivers bringing insights through industry-leading data and models.
Milliman LARA features
Predictive models
Robust supporting datasets
LTCI expertise
Simplified compliance
Milliman LARA benefits
Improve outcomes
Gain comprehensive insight
Use the best data in the industry
Join a powerful partnership
Milliman LTCI expertise
Long-term care wellness initiatives: Key components of building and evaluating a sustainable program
To best evaluate whether long-term care wellness programs produce claim savings, carriers need to perform a robust analysis of results, among other steps.
Long-term care aging-in-place initiatives
As wellness and aging-in-place programs in the LTC industry gain traction, we recently surveyed 20 market leaders on trends they see.
Case study: Improving financial projections for long-term care insurance with predictive analytics
Making financial projections is at the heart of what actuaries do. The techniques for doing so have continued to evolve over the years, but the goal is always the same: predict the future as accurately as possible.
Risk considerations for innovative products: A case study of the long-term care insurance industry
This report explores key risks and considerations for product innovation using the long-term care (LTC) insurance industry as a case study.