Milliman Connect: Benefit Enrollment and API/EDI Data Exchange
We enable our clients’ employees to serve their members more effectively
Maintaining agility in the face of disparate data
Automate and simplify
Benefits of Milliman Connect
Increase revenue efficiency
Accelerate product launches
Reduce administrative costs
Eliminate errors
Leverage existing systems infrastructure
Expand capabilities
Features of Milliman Connect
Customizable data workflow
Integrate using EDI and API processes
Advanced reporting capabilities
Value-add services
Enrollment platform
How Milliman Connect solves your challenges
Carrier solutions
Managing general agent (MGA) solutions
Third-party administrator (TPA) solutions
Broker solutions
See how Milliman Connect is helping businesses globally

Speeding the transfer of enrollment data for a national insurance program manager
40% lower expenses. The insurance program manager cut its IT spending thanks to efficiencies gained using Milliman Connect.
Related insight

Critical Point Episode 35: The workplace has changed, how will the supplemental benefits market change with it?
Learn about five trends and creative approaches heading into 2022 for supplemental health benefits, on this episode of Critical Point.

U.S. supplemental insurance market overview
Our report on the supplement market shows the effects of COVID-19: Inforce premium rose only 1.2% to $62 billion in 2020 from 2019, but still a positive sign.

Innovation versus governance: Can they coexist?
Changing consumer preferences and technology are driving much of the need for innovation and, as the emergence of COVID-19 has shown, the most vulnerable parts of an industrial sector can be quickly be brought down by an unexpected event.

Claims integration within the supplemental benefits world
As the insurance industry transitions to being more customer-centric, implementing claims integration will likely become a must-have feature.

2023 U.S. Group Disability Market Survey
Group disability insurance companies reported $20.5 billion in combined short-term and long-term disability in-force premium in 2022, up from $18.8 billion in 2021.

2023 Annual survey of the U.S. individual disability income insurance market
New annualized premium for the individual disability income insurance market rose 7.5% in 2022, the largest increase in at least two decades.