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Regulatory insurance intelligence: Understanding rate filing average days to approval - 2024 Q1
The U.S. insurance regulatory environment is complex and difficult to navigate, even for experienced professionals.

Regulatory insurance intelligence: Understanding rate filing average days to approval
The U.S. insurance regulatory environment is complex and difficult to navigate, even for experienced professionals.

At-home COVID-19 testing costs for commercial health plans
We estimate the financial impact of the federal requirement for employers and individual insurance plans to cover self-administered and self-read COVID-19 tests.

Innovate to win: Overcoming regulatory barriers to insurance product and service innovation
Because insurance regulation moves slowly and innovation moves fast, a more flexible framework is needed for insurers to rapidly bring innovative products and services to market.

Innovation versus governance: Can they coexist?
Changing consumer preferences and technology are driving much of the need for innovation and, as the emergence of COVID-19 has shown, the most vulnerable parts of an industrial sector can be quickly be brought down by an unexpected event.

Innovate to win: Insurance industry roadmap to success
For insurers, innovation is a key factor to increasing market share and improving customer retention.